I think this may have been one of the first pictures I took with my trusty Kodak camera. I remember when it was brand new and the LCD screen worked because I hadn't yet run it over with my truck. This particular day, I was testing out the zoom. I was at a Chivas USA training session in early 2005 and snapped this picture.
Bonus points to anyone who can name all the people in this picture.
A Torres, m Vasquez, A. Martinez, Ochoa, Guzano, R Ramirrez, M Taylor
Those are the only ones I remember!
oooh that's old school.
torres, tono martinez (this guy had mad skill), kalnasy, ochoa, guzan, barragan, RAMON, taylor, looks like bornstein behind taylor
i sure wish we still had martinez and sequeira
yup, I believe both of you are right except it's probably Mike Munoz behind Matt Taylor. Bornstein was still in college in 05.
I'd forgotten Kalnasy's name but that's him. Guzano looks pretty damn young!
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