Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hey, Becks Spender

I waitressed my way through college, so I found this tidbit endearing. Also, the night of the charity match was the same night Frank Yallop announced his resignation to the entire team. I wonder what Landon, Troy and David discussed.

As the Yallop story broke that night, a bunch of us media hacks stayed late, filing articles from the pressbox. Then we discussed whether we should go out and grab a drink. We didn't, though. Journalists are chronically cash-poor and tired. It was simpler to just go home and sleep.


The Hammer said...

Andrea wants a tip. Ha ha ha. You should put a pay-pal tip jar on this blog, you two often put up great stories that deserve a buck or two.

This is really cool though.

A.C. said...

Actually, I mentioned that we press folk nearly went out to bring up the possibility that we might have ended up at the same place as Becks and Co. Actually, the likelihood of that was really low. I've never been to the place the Galaxy guys all went to.