Friday, May 9, 2008

Smartasses United

Me: So, Landon, you guys are basically at .500. You've won as many games as you've lost, conceded the same amount of goals you've scored.

LD - We're exactly at .500, not basically.

Me: What's it going to take to push the balance into the positive for you guys?

LD: A win this weekend, obviously.


Ben Aranda said...

Well.... Um... OK

Anonymous said...

i thought from the title this was going to be about d.c. united's dismal season to date...

oh well it was still funny.

Anonymous said...

and Emilio wanted to go to europe....lolololol

A.C. said...

Yeah, it wasn't DC based, just a reference to how some people thought my De La Hoya question was smartassy - so I was putting up an example to show that I'm not the only one who can sound that way at times. It's a SoCal thing, perhaps. LD wasn't really trying to be obnoxious, he was kidding a little - I got good, thoughtful answers for all of my other questions.

Anonymous said...

i like landon... he's the guy you just love to hate... sort of an american temoc blanco... una piedra en el zapato, la mera neta.

saludos, d

aw said...

these posts are what make this blog rock.

this one made me laugh.

Raffi said...

Yeah, I have to give you props. I am enjoying the blog more than any other because you have a great range of postings.

This one actually makes me enjoy Landon as a person more. Everyone needs to be able to be a little bit of smart ass now and again. Where would the fun be otherwise?

Anonymous said...

Classic lol