Friday, July 13, 2007

Crazy day

Haven't had the chance to post much of anything because it's been a rather hectic day to say the least. Here's a picture of Posh Spice to hold you guys over.


Anonymous said...

Good God.

Get her to In-N-Out stat!

Hook her up with a Double Double...animal style, or those Santa Ana winds are gonna blow her into the ocean.

Anonymous said...

Thought 2 things either the website was down OR you two are working like crazy on Beckam related stories. I think its a bit sad to see ESPN only give camaras and stories when this guys comes to town. For all those begging for ESPN to show wide shots for MLS matches forget it non-LAG matches will now show half screens with close ups of Becks. Blah blah blah

Anonymous said...

nice legs...he'll stay in shape

Anonymous said...

Strike a pose, there's nothing to it.

Anonymous said...

Hubba hubba!

What legs!!!