William Shakespeare doesn't believe Solo should get a pass on what she said, but he really thinks the team's reaction to her statements was over the top.
The quality of mercy is not strained,
It droppeth, like the gentle rain from heaven,
Upon the place beneath.
It is twice blest - it blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest - it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown.
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth lie the dread and fear of kings.
But mercy is above this sceptered sway.
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings.
It is an attribute to God himself.
And earthly power doth then show like God's, when mercy seasons justice.
Therefore, consider this,
That in the course of justice,
None of us should see salvation
We do pray for mercy
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render the deeds of mercy.
Honestly, though, he's loving all the drama, especially since he's still peeved that the U.S. eliminated England from the World Cup.
Andrea, you're unbelievable! Let it go...
Keep posting...this is great stuff! I love it when athletes act like.....human beings!
I was wondering what Billy the Bard had to say about this Solo situation. Thanks for getting the quote.
If you get the chance, can you contact Keats and see if he has an opinion about the young keeper?
Keats definitely thinks Solo should have shut it.
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter;
I struggled with Shakespeare in School, lol, but this is good stuff.
Keep it up!
We must not let this die without the proper action being taken.
Remove Coach Ryan NOW!
I agree:
Remove Coach Ryan NOW!
AC, perhaps Keats would have initially advocated silence but I think he would now look to Ms. Solo to be a leader, to rise above this event and lead the team back to glory.
"In the long vista of the years to roll,
Let me not see our country’s honour fade:
O let me see our land retain her soul,
Her pride, her freedom; and not freedom’s shade.
From thy bright eyes unusual brightness shed—
Beneath thy pinions canopy my head!
Let me not see the patriot’s high bequest,
Great Liberty! how great in plain attire!
With the base purple of a court oppress’d,
Bowing her head, and ready to expire:
But let me see thee stoop from heaven on wings
That fill the skies with silver glitterings!
And as, in sparkling majesty, a star
Gilds the bright summit of some gloomy cloud;
Brightening the half veil’d face of heaven afar:
So, when dark thoughts my boding spirit shroud,
Sweet Hope, celestial influence round me shed,
Waving thy silver pinions o’er my head."
Nicely done, jt! I'd have to agree that Keats always admired an independent streak, and he definitely thought that truth was beautiful.
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