Many soccer fans continually express their dismay at what they claim is lack of coverage of soccer on ESPN. MLS Commissioner Don Garber was asked today about that very topic. A reporter started to say that ESPN televises games but that they don't follow it up with highlights and other coverage on SportsCenter when Garber interrupted him and said...
Listen to the audio clip for his response.
(In short, Garber disagreed, but go ahead and listen to it)
I'm more interested in FSC's approach to Beckham. Its not surprising that ESPN would take the cheap or easy way out in trying to drive up its MLS ratings. ESPN is still convinced in trying to convert the traditional American sports fan into soccer watchers Becks give them to the tools to try that.
Get a grip Garber. Here it is Saturday evening and still doesn't have a recap from Thursdays Houston-Chicago game up yet. And they broadcast the game! So much for promoting the game of the week.
Garber is drunk on ESPN coolaid. How much as ESPN "delivered"? They show a couple of highlights, throw together a few promos--things they do for indoor football, professional lacrosse, and softball; they deliver a few Sportscenter crumbs--a few measly highlights that may get on the Top Plays list--and Garber has an orgasm. Why don't we give Fox Sports Network credit for devoting more resources to soccer, instead of lying that ESPN is recognizing the sport (“on par” in Garber’s words) as much as US Spanish networks? The Fox Soccer Channel actually gives fans what they want—Fox respects the sport. Soccer has slowly, painfully crawled into ESPN's lineup; it has gained credence because of the hard work of its soccer-dedicated employees, with many games relegated to the “respectful” ESPN2, ESPNU, and ESPN Deportes. Most of the EPSN lineup, including Stuart Scott and the other numbskulls on Sportscenter, do not care for the sport. Has anyone heard Stuart announce a soccer highlight? I turn the sound off just so I cannot hear how much these soccerphobes delight in explaining the nuances of the game. It takes EPSN Deportes—in their slim interruptions of Sportscenter—to provide the respect the game deserves.
Andrea and Luis, keep up the good work. Luis, as Sammer who has experienced the last two 2-0 US-Mexico games in Columbus, your work almost makes me feel sorry for the Mexican national team. For a few seconds, I even wished that El-Tri would beat Argentina and reach the Copa final. Recent Mexico-US games have reminded me of wupping my little brother: if there isn’t much to fight, giving out the beatings gets a little boring. Hope today’s victory brings a bit of spice back to the rivalry, or the US will need to compete in the Copa America just to find another rival.
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