Saturday, February 17, 2007

Domo Arigato Gozai mas

Yes, greetings to my Japanese friends as well. I went to Japan a few years back. Spent a month there actually. The Japanese were a different bunch. There were so many people in Japan. I had major culture shock while I was over there. I know the Under-23s are having a far better time than I had because they are traveling as a group. And when you travel alone to the most populous place in the world, well, that kind of wears on you.

The thing I'll remember most about Japan - aside from the soccer games I went to over there - was the Shinkansen and the whole Japanese rail system. Those things are great. I wish there was a similar system in place. For instance, if we had the same system here in the U.S., I would catch a local train to the Shin-Riverside Station. Then, I would catch a Shinkansen from Riverside station to the Shin-Long Beach Station. Then, I'd catch a local train from Long Beach to Carson and - voila! - I'd be at Home Depot Center. Instead, I've got to get the 60 to the 15 to the 91, take that past the 71, 55, 57, 5, 605, 710 and exit Central, left onto Victoria and enter right past the Fire Station. Argh. I'd rather jump on the Shinkansen.

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