Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Boss' Blog

My editor, Jen Chang, makes a several good points in a recent blog entry. The one I especially concur with is how Mexico's Oswaldo Sanchez really does usually seem like a nice guy. He was one of the Mexican players who stopped to answer my questions in the mixed zone. He signed autographs for the fans that had snuck into the press zone, recorded a promo for someone's radio show, and was just patient with everybody there.
Please understand, I'm not trying to excuse his actions at all. It's just that's not all Sanchez is. Though I agree also with Jen that Sanchez gets worked up for U.S. games, I also think that he felt his veteran status slipping away after he gave up the goal. Sanchez has been losing a lot with Santos, and Guillermo Ochoa of Club America is a real up-and-comer breathing down his neck for the starting spot. He's in a presently poor head space, I'd say.
I'm not sure if the blog is blocked to non-espn-subscribers. Sometimes content on that site is.

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