Tuesday, March 20, 2007

No news?

Nothing yet on the identity of this as yet unnamed possible Crew player. If this falls through and nothing comes of it I'll follow through on my end and figure out what happened. I owe that much to the people who are excited about a potential name South American joining MLS (myself included).

But sometimes deals take a while to get worked out and crossing the t's and dotting the i's really takes a lot longer than some people realize. For the moment, let's just hope that something comes of it soon.

In the meantime, check out this cool blog and visit LASoccerNews.com, MLSnet.com, Soccer365.com, topdrawersoccer.com, PE.com, soccernet.com, si.com and any other outlet we contribute to between myself and Andrea.

1 comment:

Crewcat said...

Did your source specify the Crew or is it possible that this is a move being made by HSG but through FC Dallas?? With the Mulrooney move this afternoon it sounds like Dallas is the one making moves. During the Pioneer Cup they did mention that both Dallas and Columbus were still looking to add players so it could still happen. Stick to the story as we're waiting to hear!!