Friday, September 5, 2008

Once on this isle

Cuba, Cuba! I don't know how much culture the U.S. team is going to get to experience during their visit to the infamous island, but I hope it's more than just the soundtrack of the 'Buena Vista Social Club'.

Here's a few takes on what's going on down in Castro's Kitchen.

It's just a game.

It's a long time.

Cuba's viewpoint

Who likes the Nike brown shirts?

Martin quotes Castro.

Grant is chilling in Cuba - mojitos and all.


Anonymous said...

Think any U.S. soccer fans will travel to Cuba illegally and be in attendance at the game?

A.C. said...

I hope so.

Anonymous said...


Mister Zero said...

Grant Wahl is so good, and the story on the 5 US fans is outstanding. Buena Vista Social Club is a cool album though AC. The brown shirts are ....meh, just like the anthracite stuff is ...meh. Dear US Soccer, Call Up Ralph Lauren for some fresh ideas.

This would have been a great trip to go on, no?

CACuzcatlan said...

I wonder what they would do if US supporters were on TV. Obviously the govt. would try to fine them, but if the press made a big deal about the govt. clamping down on their own supporters they might get away with it.