Sunday, July 22, 2007

Photo craze

David Beckham didn't come out for pre-game warmups. When the teams went back in to change into their match uniforms and back out for the game, Beckham wasn't among the bench players either.

So it sort of caught a lot of people off guard when he walked behind the goal, around the corner and toward the bench. There were some 50 photographers and a handful of TV cameramen as well lined up ready to snap the team shots and whatever else they could. So when they see David Beckham strolling up to them, they crowded him.

There were six photographers on Chelsea's side and the rest were seemingly in this muddled mess, trying to take pictures of Beckham on the bench.

It was a bit hectic for a moment there and the HDC security seemed like they were caught off guard. Some guys in suits were eventually there helping the security people shoo the photographers away. Had they been prepared, they might have had a dozen security people in front of the bench. Whatever. I guess next time they'll be more prepared.

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