Sunday, July 22, 2007

Different views

Every now and then, we get some non-soccer columnists out at soccer games. It doesn't happen that often because they're usually out at Dodgers/Angels/Lakers/USC/UCLA games and there's apparently not too much room for Galaxy/ChivasUSA/USMNT/ElTri.

Saturday, though, was the exception. A Galaxy game for once was the top sports story locally and as such the local non-soccer media responded by attending. It's sometimes interesting to read those columns because it's a different perspective. However, those stories are commonly laced with "soccer sucks" elements, which then makes me want to read them even less. But I'm a journalist and I like to consume as many opinions and styles of stories as I can, so I did that this morning.

Here's Press-Enterprise columnist Gregg Patton's view of the match. Patton's a solid columnist. He's not much for soccer, though, but he's solid nonetheless. He talked to some fans and painting a good scene of what the atmosphere was like and the scene and the reactions to Beckham. He also brought up the issue of the ankle injury and how it was overlooked by many and not really brought up by the club and league until Monday really.

Steve Dilbeck of the LA Daily News chimes in with another scene story. He also talked to fans about their reaction to Beckham's first game. The column's a little surly as Dilbeck's bread-and-butter is basketball I'd say. Dilbeck's a good guy. I used to work with him several times a week when we were both with the San Bernardino County Sun back in the day, 97-98 or so. I thought it was cool when he worked the desk because he always had something funny to say. I hadn't seen him in a long time until like three weeks ago. He was out for something at HDC, forget what.

Bill Plaschke of the LA Times owned up to his feelings. He was "bored by Beckham" before July 13 but apparently got excited enough to show up to the Chelsea game. Afterward, though, he found himself rather enjoying the moment. It was good of him to write about what he felt and not sort of stick with the whole "who cares?" theme.

There were many more scribes out there who probably penned some interesting stories but I'm tired. I need to go rest. Oh, before I go, here's my PE story. They ran Patton on the cover and mine on the inside, which is fine. I think mine would have ran on the cover had Beckham scored a goal but the story was the atmosphere and that he played, not so much the game itself and I focused on the game.

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