Sunday, July 22, 2007

Landon shares the load

Beckham got his chance at a corner kick when Landon Donovan stepped away. Becks was asked about that in the post-game press conference.

"I was happy. Landon usually takes the corners, and it was nice that he let me have one. I didn’t get many touches, and I was happy to do that."


  1. I was watching MSG's coverage of the Red Bulls game this afternoon, and Shep Messing, for the 2nd time in the last week, is criticizing Landon Donovan for stating that he wants to take a bunch the free kicks and corners (which makes no sense, obviously), but first of all, I can't imagine Landon saying such an absurd thing, and secondly, I haven't even heard or read anywhere that he has said this!

  2. Yeah I don't know where that Landon criticism is coming from. I think Tommy Smyth brought it up in the Chelsea game too.

    Here's what I read in a Yahoo article.

    "But suddenly, for those seeking drama, there was a potential swell of waves. During Monday's practice, Donovan was taking corner kicks when a fan yelled out, "Donovan, you're still the real star of this team.''

    Later, Donovan proved less delusional than the fan.

    "That's probably my last few corner kicks for awhile,'' Donovan said. "Free kicks, I don't even bother taking them anymore.'' "
