Sunday, July 22, 2007

Blanco breaks free

Scores in debut

He makes the front page of mediotiempo while doing it, too.

It's true, the stadium in Chicago didn't sell out, but Blanco is having an impact nonetheless. I live in a heavily Hispanic area of LA, and the little soccer shops here sell jerseys of teams around the world, but I haven't seen an MLS jersey at my local shop ever.

Last week, they hung a Fire one in the front window.


  1. I live in El Paso Tejas (80% Hispanic population) and can share a similar story.

    Both local shops sell mostly Mexican league gear, with a few international jerseys still hanging around from the last World Cup (England, Germany, Portugal).

    I even asked once if they would start carrying MLS gear, and the owner of one shop told me that there's just no demand.

    After the Blanco signing, however, the same shop hung a cool America/Fire hybrid jersey at the front entrance (right half yellow Club America blending into left half red Chicago Fire).

    They're starting to stock Blanco jerseys now.

  2. anyone got a link on the game highlights?


  3. Go to MLS website for highlights!

  4. The crowd here loved him. There were many Blanco shirts of all varieties on display at the match. The local soccer shop is working hard to keep up with the demand.

    Just hope the MLS ankle snappers don't catch him. Plenty will try to bait him as well. Keep cool Senor Blanco!
