Thursday, June 21, 2007

Armchair Analysis

Steven Goff at the Washington Post has some commentary from Santino Quaranta, who is apparently on the trading block. Billy Witz also talked to Tino (and cuts the Donovan trade rumor down). You guys know where Luis stands on Tino.

Anyway, in his comment to Goff, Tino implies that Frank doesn't want to trade him.

I'm going to do an interpretive analysis of Frank's recent comments to me on possible Galaxy changes. With the benefit of hindsight, it all seems so clear now.

Me: Frank, are the Galaxy over the salary cap?

Frank: No, we can’t be. (League rules say we have to be compliant - no team can be over.)

Me: So it's not a question of having to trade anyone right away? You guys are fine?

Frank: We’re fine. (Well, as fine as any team can be that has two wins a third of the way through the season.)

Me: You do have an excess of forwards now, though. I'm sure some players must be wondering if they're going to be moved out.

Frank: It’s part of the job. It’s uncomfortable. I’ve been in a situation where you’re wondering who, if anybody, has to go. But the cap is fine. We’re just sorting out the team. That’s the important thing, to have a nice, balanced team. We’ve been trying to do some moves for a while, but it’s not been easy. I appreciate the patience everyone is having. I think in the end, you’re going to see a team that’s good. But it’s taken a while to get to certain points in our rebuilding stage. (Tough titties if they're nervous. Score some goals that win us games, and you're less likely to be moved. On the other hand, if you're playing so crappy that I can't even trade you because no team is interested, then we're really stuck. But in due time, something will open up and you'll be shipped out.)

Me: So you're not done making moves?

Frank: We’ll see. We’ve got to make sure there’s balance. Alan and Gavin weren’t even on the field. Now them coming back has put another two forwards on the field for us, but we didn’t know what that outcome would be for either guy. It’s great to see them back and getting close to game fitness. Carlos is already at game fitness. Gavin is a little closer than Alan, but Alan is training well now. (Yep, there's a glut of forwards. The ones that end up staying will need to prove themselves.)

Me: Who might be at risk?

Frank: We’ve got to figure out what’s best for the squad, because you need an 18 man traveling roster. We’ll see. I’m not going to name names or say who is staying or going. We’re not over the cap, so we can keep everybody. (It's not going to be as easy as me telling you a name - pay attention to other clues.)

Me: You've said before that Nate's not a real forward, but you've had to play him there a lot - where he's had plenty of chances, but little in the way of results.

Frank: Nate was a player who was brought in to strengthen the squad. Yes, he can play better. He knows that and we know that. But he’s given everything he’s had. I like that in a player. It’s up to us – now that we’ve got the signing of Carlos, we can relax in that department. We’ve got some options. We’ve got Edson Buddle, we’ve got Alan, we’ve got Gavin. We’ve got Landon, we can play Nate. We’ve got a lot of options up there. It’s up to me to sort that out – well, me and Alexi. (Hey, Andrea, let me buy you a clue here. I didn't mention Robbie. Also, notice how I emphasized Nate's work rate? Who on the team has a work rate that needs to improve? Hint: he also can play forward, and I didn't mention him as an option. Finally, you may not think Nate finishes enough, but he works hard and he's not leaving. Well, not yet. Also, notice how I took responsibility for changes and then threw Alexi in there at the end. He and I have a good cop/bad cop deal going. We decide things together, then he tells the players they're out so I don't look like the bad guy.)

Me (clueless, as usual): Is it kind of a juggling act up front?

Frank: We might need some help in certain other areas. Chris Albright being out for the season isn’t good for us – well, maybe not the season, but for a long time. We’ll look at it and make sure we do the right things. (We're looking to shore up things defensively. Chris Klein can play right back and in the midfield, just like Chris A. Did you get that hint? Do I have to spell it out for you?)

Anyway, suffice it to say that the italicized sections are pure conjecture, but so too could be Quaranta's speculation that Frank and Alexi are at odds. On the other hand, he could be completely correct. I'm sure other people have their takes on the situation. Feel free to comment.

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