Thursday, May 24, 2007

Milan campione

In honor of the Champions' League title, Rachel shows her loyalty to the colors of Milan.

She's as surprised as anyone about that first goal from Inzaghi.

I think that goal was the heartbreaker for Liverpool, though there was still plenty of time left in the match.

Actually, I wore this same shirt once to the Home Depot Center.

I was standing outside the main
gate, waiting to interview a member of the U.S.women's national team, when

Galaxy players passed by as they finished training.

Landon Donovan had an odd look on his face.

"Is that a Bayer Leverkusen

"No. AC
Milan," I told him.

"Bayer Leverkusen - does that bring back bad memories?"

He just smiled.


  1. Shouldn't he recognize the jersey of the team that he played for?

  2. I added a Donovan pic from his Bayer days. The mix-up is a little understandable, I think, when you notice the jerseys are similar.
