Monday, February 19, 2007

Pushy paparazzi

Victoria Beckham is back in town and while I know she's ridiculously rich, I do feel sorry for her and the kids, who apparently couldn't even enjoy themselves at Disneyland without a mob of tabloid press.

It didn't used to be like that. Life in LA was pretty low key for celebrities, because most Angelenos were too jaded to make a big deal of having stars around. They could hang out and go grocery shopping, and nobody would really care. But now there's this whole industry where bored (perhaps snowed-in, even) people from around the world can view pictures of stars out and about in everyday life. So, that's where the paparazzi go, to all the ordinary things the stars used to do in relative anonymity.

I'll just be walking down the sidewalk when some guy will jump out from behind a car, and start running people down holding a camera with a huge lens, trying to get a picture of a star picking up a cup of coffee. It won't even be in a posh neighborhood, just at any joint in Hollywood. It's gotten crazy, and it's sad.

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