Friday, September 12, 2008

Polemica = Controversy

It couldn't really be a Blanco situation without a little drama, could it?

Anyway, here's some of the back-and-forth swirling around about 'Temo. I don't have time to translate it right now, so can our readers jump in and explain the big issue? Or perhaps everyone has watched enough Galavision and Telefutura games to figure out the Spanish. Good luck!


  1. faitelson hates blanco ever since blanco bitch slapped him.

    (for those that dont understand it, they're making a big deal that blanco shouldnt have been called up to the NT if sven only played him a few minutes. 2 minutes in the last game)

    it looks like the media has nothing to discuss and decided to make this a big deal.

  2. I included that video in my SI column, soy.

    Yeah, they're pretty much trying to make an issue out of nothing.

  3. faitelson is legend, glad blanco is done
