Monday, July 14, 2008

Meza mulls Mexicans' might

Okay, that was a stretch. But I've put up Enrique Meza's post-game press conference as well and there is a theme here at least with the previous post.

And actually, there was a theme for Pachuca after the match as well.

With regards to the theme of the night for Pachuca, both Meza and Gabriel Caballero said that they were not sure if they deserved the victory. Not sure if they were just saying that because that's their usual mentality - so as to not get overconfident - or if they really felt that way. Looked to me like they deserved the full three points.

Anyway, here is the presser. It's in Spanish but there was a translator for those who needed it. She was a popular girl as maybe seven or so writers sat in close proximity to her. She translated the words pretty much right after Meza said them, so if you hear something in the background, that's it.

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