Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Earthquake in LA

Maybe it's a sign that those new trades are going to pay off for San Jose in the second half of the season.
The LA area shook hard with a 5.8 quake just a few minutes ago. Some stuff I own fell off the desk I'm using (including the poor camera - it's cursed), but otherwise, it was a normal bake and shake day in LA. Carry on.


  1. You had me worried... I thought the Galaxy bent the rules to sign Huckerby!

  2. I felt it down here in La Jolla too, a bit unluckier though. A rack of test tubes fell off my lab bench and broke, three days worth of work down the drain.

  3. MAN that was intense...

    Bet you Beckham never shook like this before ey...lol..

    Welcome to Califaz Beckham!

  4. Hope everything is fine over there and that it still will be when I'm over in October...

    Thought the Galaxy got rid of actually pretty much subbed half of the teams roster via some "bent it like beckham" thing...

  5. felt it here in wilmington just shaking of ceiling fans.

  6. Felt it out here in Riverside. Pretty strong too. And just a week ago today we were telling Chivas backup 'keeper Lance Parker (an Oklahoma native) all about how we hardly ever have earthquakes.

  7. didn't feel it up north. but y'all know we're due sooner or later. a foreshadowing to some quakes revenge on sunday?
