Saturday, June 28, 2008

Seattle sounds good

I like coffee. I like rainy days and green is my favorite color. I even have family living near the city. Why not? It's sounding better and better.


  1. it would be fun to report on the Sounders first year next year.

  2. True, the Field Turf situation sucks, but perhaps their new stadium would have grass. I have faith in Drew Carey - make it so, #1 Celebrity Soccer fan!

  3. I'm hoping SSFC's first game every is against the LA Galaxy and they open the entire stadium. If that happens, my cousin and I will fly up to Seattle to be a part of it.

  4. Drew Carey rocks! Of course, once he puts on a Seattle scarf he's the enemy...

    I didn't realize Seattle was looking into a SSS - thank goodness! Now, let's hope they put down natural turf. I recall hearing somewhere that Philly's new stadium was going to be Field Turf....ugh!

    Seattle is a terrific city and a great place to visit. To a So Cal native like me, the 300+ gray days every year might be a bit much.

  5. That's true - after about two weeks straight of rain, I do start to get gloomy. Perhaps I'm not quite as adaptable as I like to think I am. I also hope that Philly doesn't succumb to the evil that is synthetic grass. Why do good fans and players have to suffer that?

  6. I love the Emerald City, planning on heading up their for the Galaxy's first visit. (Provided it's on a weekend.)
