Monday, June 2, 2008

Light Balsamic Rankings (June 2)

1. Chicago (6-2-1). Calendar only thing slowing Chicago down these days.
2. New England (6-3-2). Kheli Dube helped Revs avoid embarrassment.
3. Toronto (5-3-2). Depth came through for Reds.
4. Chivas USA (4-4-2). Goals, confidence soaring for resurgent Chivas.
5. Columbus (6-3-1). Offense has dried up, and so too have victories.
6. Colorado (5-5-0). Conor Casey's return could tilt scales out west in Rapids' favor.
7. Houston (3-3-5). Comeback draw, shutout win and all seems right with this side.
8. Los Angeles (4-4-2). Without DPs, this team is a designated mess.
9. Kansas City (3-4-2). Week off may be what KC needed to kickstart this club.
10. FC Dallas (3-4-4). The, uh, fill-in-the-blank Era needs to begin soon for season to be salvaged.
11. New York (3-3-3). Can this team compete for a playoff spot? Right now, that seems like a load of Bull shit.
12. Real Salt Lake (3-5-2). How about some of this home magic on the road?
13. DC United (3-7-1). DC got their first tie and point on the road! That'd be one way to look at their come-from-ahead draw at New England.
14. San Jose (2-6-1). Bad way to start off horrid road stretch.


  1. I didn't think that TFC looke that much better than LA... and I didn't think Chivas has moved up above Columbus, Colorado, and Houston.

    I think all those teams are still more dangerous than the Goats

  2. Luis, I found this note on Torres while doing a random search...

    At least some Americans in Mexico don't try to hide their roots.

  3. Nice find, hammer. It's nice when athletes go back to their roots and try to pass on some knowledge to the young ones, and it's nice that Torres remembers and doesn't try to hide where he came from. He seems like a class act.

    Could you imagine if Cactus boy tried to go back to his elementary school and those people were aware of his previous denials? Who the hell would let him talk to any kid about anything?

    "Today class we're going to hear from someone who denied being born here in the United States, but someone who sat in the very classroom you are in for his entire second grade year. Mr. Jesus Padilla. Let's ask him why he denied being an American."

  4. I actually felt a little sorry for Cactus, because I thought he was pressured by his club to deny his American birth.
    But to act like the truth is some unfair prosecution of him was lame.
