Monday, June 2, 2008

Canales Corner #2

I decided that if I was going to have a Friday preview/prediction on games, it made sense to do a Monday wrap-up and assessment.


  1. Hey, thanks!
    Toronto = Trinidad and Tobago
    I'm pleading temporary aphasia on that part, and really hoping one day to post a vlog with no corrections needed in the comments.

  2. Ahh! I am mesmerized. Anonymous beat me to it when saying that you are gorgeous! And more importantly you are intelligent; the perfect combination (plus you love soccer).

    Erm, anyways, I enjoy these vlogs very much. Keep 'em coming.

  3. Wow, I never knew you were so hot. Sexy voice, too. I guess that's all I have to say about that.

  4. Oh yeah, forgot to mention the segment was well done. I don't know what kind of critique you're looking for, but I wouldn't change anything except the T&T thing. Good analysis, well done.

  5. Andrea,

    The Torontonians have made your argument for you on streamers and what not. I give up.

    Also, I think Galaxy needs to have some back-up attacking forwards, no? Everybody on midfield for the team on Saturday was defense first. McDonald, Pires, Randolph and Franchino. As much as everybody points to Gordon and Buddle, they did 'ok' with what they got, but they just didn't get much of anything.

  6. Aw, hammer, you're an optimistic idealist. You really believed that Toronto and other places could keep the fun pure and simple. I wish it had turned out that way.

  7. Andrea, What are you trying to do to be!!!!!

  8. I mean to me :) I feel drunk or something!

  9. Obviously each match is a stand alone affair, but based on Canada's result against Brazil and the T&T's effort in the friendly with England, the U.S. MNT 4-2 defeat defeat at home to Brazil and 2-0 loss to England last week have even less gloss.

    Last Fall's Brazil game in particular has been cited as a point of encouragement in terms of U.S. general progress (the 2-4 defeat).

    However, Canada outplayed Brazil for large portions of their match and probably should have had a result. Beyond that this match was played at a neutral site.

    I'm withholding judgment until after the Argentina match, but it has not been a good week for the U.S. Men and Bob Bradley. Spector's injury casts an additional damper on any generated enthuasism.

  10. Someone needs to get you to a photo shoot!

  11. Yes, hot. Smoking, actually. And a soccer fan. Unreal. Substance-wise, I suggest more analysis and less news. We can all read up on the results and even see videos of who scored which goals when. But you, Andrea, can bring us inside dirt and provide thoughtful analysis, and that's what makes a vlog work best. Also, um, consider a camera crew, two cameras, and some basic editing. It would make for a better piece of tape and would get you on FSC or ESPN much faster.

  12. damn she is fine. Hey andrea got a boyfriend?

  13. Gracias por el video y el resumen. No habia notado que habias subido la segunda edicion de 'Canales Corner'. Parece que este segmento te va bien eh? :) Te felicito, y te diria que estoy de acuerdo con el comentario pidiendo mas analisis, mas angulos de vista, y mejor edicion. Creo q como resultado le daria un pqto mas brillo a tus videos. En ese aspecto, si necesitas ayuda con grabacion o edicion me apunto, ya que e hecho un pqto de trabajo de ese tipo (aunque seguro q has de tener aceso a ayuda profesional, si lo pidieras). De todas maneras, saludos, y espero ver la proxima.
