Monday, May 26, 2008

Talking back

I may not have received a lot of email on my article, but that doesn't mean that people don't have opinions on it. There's a new feature on the site called Conversations, where readers can comment individually on articles. I'd miss our regular blog readers if they abandoned Sideline Views to comment exclusively elsewhere, but it's an interesting new option for feedback on specific pieces.


  1. i prefer actual sources than sites like those, as long as you keep posting i'll keep reading. =)

  2. Yeah, I wouldn't worry about people leaving here. At least here the lame "soccer is teh stoopid" comments aren't as likely to pop up.

  3. It might help get better coverage on if people also participated over there. Editors might see increased traffic to stories (more ad impressions) and lots of discussion which might lead to more coverage or at least exposure on the main page.

    With that said, I'm more than happy to start arguments on both sites. =P

  4. Go, jerel! You're probably right about that. Editors love to see discussion about articles they've commissioned and yes, they're also all about page views.

  5. although i wouldn't mind seeing a comment section on the articles that you're reading, but what i noticed on the video portions of the site for shows like Around the Horn and PTI is that people don't give responses for discussion but leave comments like "this person doesn't know what he's talking about" and other negative comments similar or worse to things of that sort.

    i guess that would be a con unless the comments are screened then yea that's a great idea for the site.

    i really enjoy this blog i visit the blog at least 3 times a day.

  6. Love the site and the large # of posts a day. More comments on ESPN can only help interest.
