Friday, May 30, 2008

Caption This: Alexi Lalas

More than a year ago, we tried to run a write-the-caption type thing but it got a muted response. I hadn't thought much about that until I snapped this picture last year. And then somewhere along the line I forgot about it. Until now.

Here's our second installment of Caption This, and it's a pretty good shot if I do say so myself. It's Galaxy General Manager Alexi Lalas walking with one of David Beckham's personal assistants, and past HDC security. You can't see him too well but it's Lalas, trust me.

I guess I'll start it off... ahem...

"Yeah, I know why he's Golden Balls, but do you want to see why they call me Fire Balls?"

Have at it.


  1. Lalas: Damn! One of my balls fell out! Crap! Other one's slipping!

    Assitant: My goodness! Is that a testicle on the sidewalk?

    Security: You want I should cordon off this area Mr. Lalas?

  2. "Hang on, I wonder if they are, in fact, as big as my mouth."

  3. I swear that little bag is Yallop's. I was only holding it for him.

  4. "Can you believe they trusted me to run a team? I can't even get this zipper open."

  5. "IQ test? Wait a second while I whip out my brains...."

  6. Here's another entry:

    "Wait, where'd they go? Damn you, Ramon Ramirez!!"

  7. Little Alexi Lalas is questioned by HDC security while David Beckham's assistant, Wandering Eyes, looks on.

  8. "Am I a true redhead? AM I A TRUE REDHEAD?!?!?!"

  9. "What the hell is THIS!?"

  10. What do you mean I need I.D. to get through? I am Alexi Lalas! Look, buddy, the carpet matches the drapes.

  11. Third entry:

    "At 38, Alexi Lalas discovers puberty...."

  12. Final entry:

    "Alexi Lalas proves to the skeptical that AEG really does emasculate their employees..."
