Friday, May 30, 2008

Canales Corner #1

I decided to bring back a column I once had, Canales Corner, as a vlog feature, hopefully on a weekly basis. Because I could babble on about soccer almost endlessly, I set myself a five-minute time limit. Yes, I know the whole production is frighteningly low-tech, but with other responsibilities that I have at present, keeping it simple is probably the only way I'll keep up. Criticism and suggestions are welcome, as long as they're not too cruel.


  1. Haha. I love this blog. If this isn't my soccer home I don't know what it is. It makes me feel like I'm eating chicken pot pie at my grandma's on a rainy day while she juggles a soccer ball.

    Blanco as player of the month? Sure. And I agree, Oscar is still my favorite to take over for the Hoops. Predictions for this week's MLS fixtures? Who knows. This has been one of the most insane starts to an MLS season that I can remember.

    Finally, Jaqua, Wolf and EJ. Thats all you had to say about our Nats performance.

    Good form AC

  2. if most youtubers can do it, why can't you? it's a cool idea and also gives readers a chances to see the journalist that you are and voice your thoughts on topics that you want to talk about.

    i agree about Blanco being player of the month, i'd doubt Chicago would be the same without him.

  3. DC road "victory" = road point
    Houston missing significant players = Pat Onstad, Dwayne DeRosario

    Sheesh, maybe I won't be so quick to harp on announcing mistakes in the future. It's more difficult than it looks.

  4. Andrea, if i wasn't happily married and raising my 8-year old, I'd marry you tomorrow...

  5. Fun little feature, I like the idea. One more correction for ya though: Amado Guevara is playing for Honduras v. Venezuela Friday so I don't think he'll be scoring for Toronto on Saturday.

  6. Andrea, every time I watch an MLS match (on English language tv anyway), and then read your running blog, I want to start a petition to have you announce every game -- on ESPN and FSC, a first on so many levels! After Wednesday I'll add NT matches as well. Now I'm even more convinced.

    p.s. To anon, don't people have to say yes before you marry them anymore...also Andrea's fans would like to see photographs and resumes ;-) please.

  7. Watch Amado pull a Beck/Landon and fly back and score - nah, I don't see it, either.

  8. that IS hilarious, total riot

  9. I'd be more than qualified financially and am too in the media business (have an advertising rep business for consumer/B2B print/electronic media), but I'm afraid I'm a little too old and a lot very happily married (to a girl who traveled to Germany for the WC, no less!) :)

  10. Probably not the type of feedback that you were looking for, but....

    I've always enjoyed your writing, but I had no idea that you were so hot!

  11. hey Carlos Ruiz did that for Dallas last season after Guatemala was eliminated by Canada during the Gold Cup he flew up to Canada the next day and played for about 15 or 30 mins i believe, so Guevara could pull that too if he wanted too

  12. Holy Moly I think I'm in love (I'll get in the back of the line, Andrea).

    Heard some ridiculous talk that Landon wussed out of Wembley - do you know how bad his injury looked against KC?

    One video blog per day please.

  13. Holy Moly I think I'm in love (I'll get in the back of the line, Andrea).

    Heard some ridiculous talk that Landon wussed out of Wembley - do you know how bad his injury looked against KC?

    One video blog per day please.


    the fcd video where Chris Gbandi talks about Ruiz playing 90 for Guatemala then playing for Dallas.

  15. Gracias por el informaje visual, me parecio genial Andrea. Mereces todo el respeto profesional y la admiracion como mujer que estas recibiendo. Te daria mas detalles acerca de lo que pienso, pero me da un poquito de timidez, no se porque jeje. Encantado al finalmente 'conocerte', y espero leer y escuchar mucho mas acerca del futbol y de ti en el futuro. Saludos, y suerte.

  16. Haa!
    Looking good Andrea, looking good. :D
    Wheres the end of the line?

  17. Andrea-when are you and Luis going to take a page from Ives and start getting ads to pay for your wonderful web site!!!

  18. This is match-making MAYHEM! Let's get organized:

    1) Do we know if Andrea is either single and/or considering applicants (supplicants)?

    2) Is there a list of prerequisites?

    3) Everyone in line should start getting their photos and bios ready (only one anon has submitted a smidge of info), and probably a thumb and index finger print would be enough for a criminal backround check.

    We will scrutinize your suitors with the attention to detail we devote to all topics that appear on your site, Andrea!

  19. you're def 100 times better than what's-her-face that does the MLS pre-game with Rob Stone.

  20. Andrea - Haven't watched the video blog - will do it now. Just wanted to ask, though, what do you know about the Goff report about Leiwicke bringing down the hammer on the improving Galaxy players & management? Any info will be appreciated.


  21. Andrea, very charming, definitely keep it up.


  22. Yea A.C....
    What truth is their to what Goff is reporting about L.A..?

    And um how big is the line? lol

  23. I thought it was very insightful and well done... can I suggest that you tape a piece of paper with a few notes on it to the tri-pod, that simple step should help the spot move a little bit smoother. Other than that just relax a bit more and let the knowledge flow, you have a natural talent for this and your passion for the game shines throughout. I am surprised you don't have a tv gig.... Well great post i look forward to see more like that one.

  24. Thanks for the kind words and practical suggestions. Who knows, perhaps with a bit more practice, I might have a TV job one day.
    As far as my personal life goes, there is no line. I'm not married, but I'm in a relationship now, and while I probably share more details about my life than even some readers want to know, I have no wish to become the Emily Gould of the soccer blog set, so I avoid mentioning that stuff in general.
    As far as advertisers go, we're open to offers, meanwhile, if you want to support our blog, click on the little ad we have now. It's there on the right, under the poll.

  25. OK, we'll be leaving you off of the match-makers dream list, but I do sense rumblings of a fan club.

    Back to business, the vlog is a great idea, and I'm looking forward to episode 2.

  26. Catamount said...

    Sometimes I have preferred to have the visage of a writer remain anonymous. So I was a bit concerned about how I would react when seeing you on the vblog. You did not disappoint. I really enjoyed it, and I would not be surprised to see you on the tube before long. Nice work.
