Saturday, April 19, 2008

Houston/Galaxy running blog

The Angel City Brigade sets up their banner in their section of the stadium.
Josh Wicks --- Nope! Steve Cronin passed a late fitness test and he gets the start in goal for the Galaxy.
Want more info? Alan Gordon is the center mid. Kleiny, Franklin, Vanney and Randolph in the back. Becks, Tudela, McDonny along with Gordon in the middle, Edson and LD up top.
Joe Franchino is on the bench, along with Wicks, Bry, Roberts, Izzy, Pete, and Xavier.
The press box is buzzing about the first goal in SJ 2 (Quake Harder) history.
2 - LD sends the first shot wide.
3 - Kleiny fouls Davis - FK cleared.
4 - Kleiny fouled - both teams have come out gunning, very fast and physical. This will be a slugfest.
6 - LD nearly off on a counter, but caught. The ball is mostly in Galaxy territory and they concede a corner. CK by Davis. Cleared off the line! - no a foul first negates that.
8 - The Galaxy defense is losing shape badly. Another CK conceded. Houston is pressuring hard. Mulrooney takes. Cleared out.
9 - Deep throw for Houston. Now for the Galaxy. Still in G half of field.
11 - Houston possessing well. Back into the attack.
13 - houston FK Nearly bent into goal, but Cronie catches. Becks leads the counter, tries to feed Buddle, who is grabbed. FK in good spot. Becks sets up - it's into the wall.
15 - The Galaxy were actually in Houston's end for a bit there.
16 - Randolph on the attack, gets past to mids and gets the ball to Becks, but his cross into the box is cleared. On the counter, Caraccio chips the ball past Vanney and Cronin, but the ball rolls harmlessly in front of the goal. Close.
21 - Play has moved to the midfield a bit more. The Galaxy are no longer defending on their doorstep.
23 - They're knocking on Houston's door instead. Donovan passes to Buddle in the box, but he can't beat his defender. The G's get another chance, but LD's shot deflects and shows down enough for Caig to make the catch.
25 - Mullan beat Randolph and earns a FK. Randolph sees yellow. It's right on the edge of the box. Houston sets up. DDR and David standing, DeRo takes, it bends toward goal, Cronie twists in the air, gets a hand on it to tip it on to the crossbar, where it rebounds out and is clears. A+ save there.
28 - Another save! DeRo gets a great pass in the box, but Cronie dives to parry it out, CK. It's cleared. The Galaxy escape again.
30 - Houston still pressuring hard. The Galaxy hanging on - ball out for goal kick.
32 - Houston's midfield is bossing this game. Beckham gets cheers for a nice defensive tackle, but then he gives up the ball.
34 - The ball actually gets into Houston's box, but Caig takes care of it.
36 - GOAL! Mullan beats Franklin with a nice move and crosses in front of goal - Caraccio heads it down back to goal, Ching whiffs at the ball, but Davis is right next him and he knocks it in - the ball actually hits Cronin on the way to net. 1-0 Houston.
40 - Vanney just did the weirdest sit-down tackle that actually worked.
41 - DeRo with an outside shot, Cronie reads it, save.
43 - The Galaxy had a bit of an attack going for a minute there. No longer.
45 + - Buddle takes a cross from Klein the the box - his header is wide. Donovan is on the attack in the box, working a give-n-go with Tudela. LD gets shoved off, wants the call, isn't getting it.
The Galaxy are lucky they aren't down by multiple goals. Cronie saved a couple that looked like Houston points for sure. The Galaxy attack was anemic. Houston looks in top form tonight. Well, at least their midfield on up looks in top form - their defense was tested so little it's hard to say what shape they're in, but they haven't screwed up yet.
47 - Franchino is on the field, Gordo off, Xavier is on for Tudela. Houston hasn't made any changes.
49 - Joe tries to lead out a counter after Houston had a chance in the box, but Becks isn't looking for the pass and Houston gets the ball back. This is looking so bad for the Galaxy.
51 - It gets a bit better - the Galaxy just earned a corner. The fans are on their feet, the scarves are out - LD takes, it's a shot on goal by Franklin! Cleared off the line by Barrett!
53 - Beckham gets the pass on a counter, crosses to LD who lays back for Buddle, whose shot is low and straight and parried by Caig. Corner. Cleared out.
54 - Franklin fouled outside the left side of the box. FK. Becks takes, Houston heads it out - Joe takes an outside shot - it's over the bar.
56 - Becks and LD working the ball upfield, Becks gets shoved down and the fans boo the nocall, Joe takes another outside shot - this one is closer, but wide.
57 - Vanney gets a yellow for an elbow and Houston gets a very tasty FK, just outside the box.
59 - The Galaxy wall holds. Another foul on Vanney now. Another appetizing FK for Houston, but a bit farther out. DeRo aims high.
60 Houston was on their heels a bit at the start of the second half, but they're back to running the show.
61 - Galaxy FK, way out. Caig catches.
63 - LD charging after a long ball over the top, Ianni trying to cover the play to usher the ball to Caig, who catches the ball. Ianni steps in to shield Donovan anyway, and sends LD sprawling. That seemed unnecessary. The crowd is livid. LD is down for a while.
66 - LD nice flick pass to Randolph, who shoots on goal, Caig saves. Corner. Corner leads to another shot - Caig saves again.
68 - GOAL! The Galaxy attack again, and LD finds Beck on the right. The cross goes back to LD, who beats Ianni to get a header into the net. He stand up and yells something in Ianni's face. I'm guessing it wasn't friendly. 1-1 Tie game.
72 - I was about to type that Franchino is playing well, then he sent a pass to no one just now.
73 - Cronie catches a cross, ending a Houston attack.
74 - DeRo's header is high and wide.
76 - Becks n LD on the attack - but Buddle is offside on the final pass.
77 - Houston CK
78 - GOAL! Cronie punches out the corner, but it falls to Mullan, who sends a pass to Davis, Davis crossed the ball into the box, DeRo shot, crossbar, but Cronin fell, rebound to Caraccio, who shoots into an open net. 2-1 Houston.
Caraccio took off his shirt for that goal - which, truth be told, was kind of a garbage goal. He gets a yellow.
81 - Caraccio now out for Holden.
83 - Edson works hard to earn a FK, Becks takes, Houston clears.
84 - GOAL! Becks to Landon! Of course. 2-2 Tie.
86 - Houston CK - LA clears. but Houston attacks again. Another cross into the box. Cronie finally collects.
88 - Buddle offside. Then DeRo.
90 - OFF THE POST! The Galaxy built up a good attack, but Houston escaped.
90 + Now the Galaxy escape DeRo heads over the bar.
Handball, and Rico gets a yellow. It's int Galaxy territory, though, so Houston isn't in danger. The Galaxy are though, Houston attack building, but the Galaxy hold it off. A hard-fought tie. The crowd applauds and boos at the same time. 2-2 Houston is still winless.


  1. On of luck


  2. why the hell is vanney still in after the debacle last match?!!

  3. and I'm not sure Brian Jordon would be thrilled with the nickname you've given him. haha

  4. You're right. I should change that. Most of the nicknames on the blog are the names I've actually heard the players use to refer to each other, but I made Bryan's and Brandon's up.

  5. Yes! I'm loving this lineup. It'll be interesting to see how it will work.

  6. Landon... no need to stand over someone like that.

    Should've been a yellow card.

  7. I liked the line-up in the second half, I liked Franchino's attitude. I hated the refs on oh so many calls, I can never get used to American refereeing.

    Finally, the ball looked like it went in for a 3rd goal and was cleared from inside on Buddle's header in the 89th.

    Great effort by the boys, but the defensive mistakes have got to end. Both goals came from players (Klein + McDonald, I believe) letting the ball slip under their foot on a mistimed clearance.

  8. @the Hammer: that was absoultely a 3rd goal. Gullitt should be (rightly) furious with the linesman blowing that call.

    Can someone tell me why FIFA dumped their goal line technology initiative? I'm sure MLS would be more than willing to be the guinea pig in those experiments.

    Is it wrong to want to see the correct calls made?

  9. Hey AC... can you find out what LD said to Ianni? I'd love to know

  10. Excuse me, anonymous - but there was no need for Ianni to take a cheap shot on LD. Payback's a b****.

  11. Quit being sissys. LANDO did what he had too. I would have told IANII off as well. This is war people, WAR, at least on the battlefield. After the game they can well in fact have a drink or whatever but Landond did his part..! Big Ups LANDO! I like this new Landon!
