Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Facing a new direction

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.” --Thoreau


  1. I think everyone should face that direction now! It seems to be working for him.

  2. isnt that actual direction of the flag? kind of dumb to have them lined up and facing the wrong way just so a tv camera can point at them.

  3. good grief, this is all too reminiscent of last year. galaxy fans win a game, then think the season has changed for the better. then its back to the drawing board.

  4. a.c. I was wondering if you had heard anything about a potential Atletico USA/MEX tour coming up in July?

  5. That's good, Andrea. Well done.

  6. Anonymous -

    I think the biggest difference here is that the team is getting better and better and better each game. Whereas last year our wins were "moral" victories where we had long games with 1 shot on goal that went in and squeezed out 1-0 wins.

  7. Whoa, that's deep, man.
    *takes another bong hit*
