Thursday, March 13, 2008

Facing the outcome

The CONCACAF coaches at the presser, after the games.
The person next to Guatemala's head coach, Rodrigo Kenton, is Marvin Avila, who scored the lone goal. Cesar Villaluz came out with Hugo Sanchez, but he left so quickly I didn't get a picture. Lining all the pics up, I notice one detail. The coaches who are happier with their results hold their heads higher.



    Do you think this summer's US Men's friendly against Spain was part of a deal they struck for dropping the friendly against Catalona?

    Something didn't smell right about that.

  2. It was definitely related. Sunil Gulati alluded to that in the press roundtable earlier this year. I think the audio of that is floating around somewhere. I deleted it off my recorder, though.

  3. Did anybody have the cojones to ask Hugool if he was ready to resign in favor of Tuca Feretti? ;D

    El que venga, revuelva...

  4. That should be, "Lo que venga, revuelva..."

  5. I likes it when Nick Dasovic, Canada's coach, nearly slipped up, saying: "It doesn't matter who coaches Mexico, whether it's Hugo Sanchez or Lav-- It doesn't matter, because they're such a fantastic team and I have tremendous respect for them."
