Monday, January 21, 2008

Rolfe answers

Sometimes when I cover stories, I take a bit of a chance and talk to a lesser-known player before a match because I think he might break out in the game and then I'll have some exclusive quotes on hand to use in an article. Freelance writers have to angle for any advantage they can get.

Anyway, I interviewed Chris Rolfe with that in mind the day before the Sweden game. Since I was on vacation during almost the entire camp, I couldn't really tell who had been training well, but I like Rolfe's playing style and thought he finished the MLS season pretty well. So I picked him out to ask a few questions.

Chris didn't have a good game against Sweden, though, so I didn't really use the interview for anything. I've posted the audio here thinking some Fire fans might enjoy it. My apologies for being so low-energy in my interviewing style. I was really tired and jetlagged.


  1. AC, thanks for posting the Rolfe audio for us (Fire fans). I'm curious if his performance Saturday reflects his confusion about whether he is now a midfielder or will be a forward in the upcoming campaign.

  2. I wondered the same thing myself. I actually wanted to talk to him after the match, but the mixed zone mess means if I talk to Rolfe, I may miss my chance to talk with Robinson.

  3. Thanks for the Rolfe interview! I love every bit of Fire coverage I can get.

  4. Ditto to what the others have said. It was great to be able to hear the interview and I agree, it'
    s going to be a great year to be a Fire fan
