Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back in the groove

The problem with taking a break is that you lose all your regular fitness for something. That applies not only to soccer players, but to writers. You might laugh, but it's true. Last night, not only did I forget my binoculars, but also my extra batteries for my recorder and my headphones. I was definitely off my game.

Wrote a piece on how Landon's historic goal fits into the larger task he's set for himself to become a more consistent performer for the team. Jeff Carlisle was in town (congrats on new baby Ben) and handled the game article. He asked me to look over his player ratings and let him know what I thought. I'm not the conformist type, but Jeff and I have a similar perspective in a lot of ways, and I didn't find any area of disagreement.

Any readers want to make a case or provide their own ratings and rationales?


  1. AC,

    Off topic, but did the Galaxy hire replacements for David Beltran and Anthony Garcia?

  2. Not that I know of. I saw Patrick Donelly in the press box yesterday, but I didn't think to ask him about that.
    The search for a new media liason (David's position) might be going on quietly. The Galaxy haven't, for example, put out an email like the one I got recently from the New England Revolution, where they announced that they're searching for a media person.

  3. Good article, Andrea. I especially liked your line about restoring the "natural order" of things. Ha!

    Sounds like Donovan is maturing quite nicely.
