Sunday, December 30, 2007

TFC tops in Canada

After TFC played the Galaxy late in the year, Todd Dunivant was signing autographs for a few fans while reporters passed by on the way to the locker rooms for interviews. Todd, bedsides being one of the top left backs in the league, is bright and articulate. That's why back in his Galaxy days he was always a favorite of the local press (pre-Beckham reporters, we call ourselves) and a few of us stopped to say hello and ask him what life was like with the Canadian club.

Todd greeted Scott French, Llew Llewellyn and I with remarkable cheerfulness considering his club was dead last in the league. We soon found out that the ardent fanbase at BMO field goes a long way to warding off despair.

"They're incredible," Todd said. "They never give up on us. We've been through so much this year with injuries and changes. They've been there each step of the way and they keep cheering. I've never seen anything like it."

After what Todd said, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they're even getting out the vote during the offseason.


  1. Actually, for TFC, I think Todd has also played as a midfielder as well, as has Marvell Wynne on occasion, though he's normally a defender as well.
