Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Making an entrance

Eric Wynalda was one of the many media members who turned up for Tuesday's Chivas USA media game. He was his usual talkative self. But at one point he walked by a group of us and expressed his feelings over a colleague of ours.

Okay, he was irritated. Jaime Cardenas pretty much sums it up on his blog so go here for the info.

As for the media game, I wasn't able to participate because I had less than 24 hours notice that the game was taking place. It was a bit of a disappointment since I played in the first two and I'm in much better shape now than ever. I would have liked to have participated but I needed more time to prepare. I've got daughters and they've got places to be and I can't just drop everything on a moment's notice. I guess that's what happens when you get old, people start to depend on you.

Oh well. I wouldn't have minded playing on the same team as Eric Wynalda and Christian Miles. Daily News writer Billy Witz played in the game so I'll have to ask him how it went. Actually, the better question would be how the hottest ChivaGirl looked, I mean, played. Kortney was on one of the teams. Honestly, forget Waldo. It was missing out on Kortney I was most upset about.


  1. I've tried to read some of Ives blog before but I just don't like it.

  2. When Ives wants to generate lots of passionate discussion, he resorts to the same thing (every time): Mexico-bashing. He even has the nerve t osay he is justified in doing so because he is Peruvian American. Come on, man...get real. It gets old and it's lame. He is a one trick pony.

  3. His posts on Wylnalda were fair. Wynalda needs to chill. the producer punked him by cutting off the mike, not Galarcep.
    He disses Hugo and his anti-US soil complaints not just on the mexnats.
    The Mexicans need to take criticism just like everyone else. Bashing them is what blogs are for. Right?

  4. Like I trick-pony...

  5. Ives - he dishes some good stories, but is a bit of a headcase.

  6. Another report was very complimentary of Kortney's ability.
