Sunday, September 9, 2007

Chivas/NY Second half

Clint Mathis has a left knee contusion.

43 - Francis Doe in, nice attack, sends pass to Wolyniec - his shot saved by Guzan.

49 - CK Red Bulls. taken short, weird idea that fails.

50 Attendance is announced as 10,292. Hmm. I'd guess half that, and I'm still being more generous than Luis was.

52 - Chivas USA nearly connect for another goal, but the ball skips just past.

54 - Reyna and Mark Geiger having a talking-to.

55 - Stammler coolly handles a long pass in his own box, playing it away from Galindo, who tackles hard even as Stammler is clearing the ball. Galindo gets nothing but legs. Well, that and a yellow card.

57 - From one end to another. Jason Hernandez stands up Angel, and the clearance goes to Galindo, who knocks down Stammler to get it. Stammler looks for the call, then chases down Galindo, but Maykel gets his shot in over Waterreus and into the corner of the goal.

63 - Watterreus, not Conway, is in goal. That's what happens when I walk into the press box as the teams are lining up at the center circle.

64 - Jaime Cardenas and I think Galindo elbowed Stammler down on the second goal. The ref didn't see it, though, or thought it was a clean challenge, so all's fair. Truthfully, I think Waterreaus should have done better on that shot.

67 - Bulls still fighting. Angel has had two shots since the Chivas goal. One was saved by Guzan, the other hit the side netting.

68 - Red Bull corner - nada happens.

69 - PK! on Laurent Merlin. Jeff Parke comes in hard with a shove - not unlike the one that took down his teammate Stammler, but this one is in the box and the ref points to the spot immediately.

71 - Ante Razov puts away the PK. Normally Claudio Suarez takes them, but the team is giving him a rest, apparently. That's 106 career goals for Razov.

74 - The Dream comes true - Jorge Flores, winner of Sueno MLS, is getting ready to check into the game. From talent show to on the field.

76 - Panchito comes out for Flores. Flores is a week shy of his 18th birthday.

79 - Except for a stretch in the first half - it's been Chivas USA's game. A lot of that is due to Kljestan's ever-improving play. If he keeps this up, he could challenge his buddy Benny Feilhaber for national team time.

83 - Francis Doe looks like he pulls a goal back, but he is judged offsides.

84 - Flores looks just fine out there. He just fought off Claudio Reyna for a ball. There's nearly a 20 year difference there.

87 - Chivas USA looks really lively. They'll carry a lot of momentum into the SuperClassico.

90 - A late corner comes to nothing for the Bulls. One minute of stoppage again.

Fulltime: That's all folks. Chivas USA spanked the Red Bulls. The Red and White continue their domination in their home stadium. Not a single loss this year.


  1. Chivas - if they had "Galaxy" written on their shirts, the press wouldn't stop talking about them.

    Sad attendence figures for such a classy team. I hope the new GM can remedy it.

    Can you ask them what their strategy/tactics will be to inrease attendence? If they say, "put a quality product on the field and they will come" you can call BS. They have twice the team as the Galaxy and can't attract half the fans.

    Matt L

  2. Have you guys seen the blog that FC Dallas keeps ( It is really well done, allows for lots of "behind the scenes" looks at the team including practice footage and interviews, is responsive in terms of the "Front Office" responding to fans, and let's the FCD fans feel like they have a voice.

    It is something that all MLS teams should consider, particularly to compensate for their sterile websites.

    Perhaps this is another question for the new Chivas GM? Perhaps they would want to have something like it, but with more of an edge and you guys could be the ghost-writers for it.

  3. Yep, the FC Dallas blog is one of our "blog buddies". The media relations staff of the team handles that, I believe.

    We like to consider ourselves an independent source, but their blog is great. We especially like the videos. I want to see Juan Toja's place next.

  4. You're clearly independent - and thank goodness.

    WIthout a doubt, the Toja "crib" will feature 10 minutes on hairdryers and "product".
