Wednesday, August 1, 2007


According to Legion,

"Joe Cannon es un ..."


  1. I'm all for razzing the opponent, but when I have to cover my son's ears it's just wrong. Way to show some class Mexis.

  2. Jess, be a responsible parent and keep your son at home, away from an adult audience. You aught you sensor your son's ears, not adult's mouths. Think about it...

    Anyways, L.B. and A.C., I was wondering if you guys are going to be at the CUSA training grounds tomorrow? If so, what's the happs? Give us teh scoop doodz! =]

  3. Attention all 'responsible' parents: Don't take your kids to sporting events.They are for adult audiences only...absurd. Hey Einstien, I do censor their ears...or did you miss that part of my post. And who said anything about censoring adult's mouths? AC and LB I'm sorry. I hate it when this turns into a disscusion forum, I just had to respond.

  4. Look, just be the responsible parent and keep your kid away from adult audiences, and stop blaming all profanities that happen at chivas games on "Mexis" last time I checked the galaxy fans aren't saints.

  5. Last time I checked Chivas fans were not saints. Hmm, lets see 37,000 Chivas fans, 500 Galaxy fans. I think you lost that one, gnrd.

  6. people are there to enjoy a game. sometimes it can be taken too far. i'm all about talking smack to the teams it's part of being a fan but i hate it when profanities are used.

    i'm an adult i use them all the time but not at a game it's just not right.

    and since when is a soccer game only for an "adult audience"???

  7. That is as old now as the Mexican wave.

  8. It's not just Mexicans that chant that, either, right?

  9. anyone in general should not...a live soccer game should be for everyone not just adults or else what's the point

  10. 1916, ratios are irrelevant, gals fans still use profanity...

    I'm not saying soccer games are for only for adults, we all know that...I'm saying adult crowds gather at these games and parents aught to know better than to take their children around where a bunch of drunk cursing sailors hang out..

    This is redundant..Just do your self a favor and keep kids at home aways from the crazy "Mexis". I hope you sensor your child from racism too, you're not doing too good of a job there Jess..

  11. I am Mexican/American. My parents are from Jalisco and came to this great country about 30 years ago. The term that you call racist, by beating around the bush I might add, is a term I use with all the time with my family. My proud Mexican mom and dad use it too because we mostly speak English to each other and its just a word we use very loosely. If you or anyone else find it offensive, allow me to apologize. I meant no offense and I am not a racist.
    So, lets clear the air. You were clearly offended and you're trying to get under my skin by attacking my parenting skills. It's not going to work my friend. Because I believe that I am a great father and nothing anyone says, especially some guy on the internet that hangs out with drunken sailors, can put a dent in that belief. So let me ask you. Do you really keep you're kid's at home when you go to games?

  12. My reproductive situation is irrelevant...I wasn't attacking ur parenting because I was offended, I wasn't even offended, I simply found it highly hypocritical of you to use that demeaning racist slur while complaining about the insulting chant...I was merely saying, use comment sense and keep ur kids at home, away from adult audiences..i.e. Other adults shouldn't have to sensor them selfs because of your poor parenting choices.

  13. Ok, where do I start? This is my last comment by the way. I've been wasting too much time giving this discussion attention.

    First of all, your "reproductive situation" is relevant because you are so quick to offer parental advice. I just wonder if there is any basis for this. If you are a parent, it would carry a lot more weight with me. If you're not a parent, that's OK, you are still entitled to your opinion regardless of your lack of experience. It just doesn't carry weight and if you are a parent, you would understand.

    Second, you call "Mexis" a demeaning racist slur. I can respect that but if you can explain why, I would like to know so I won't use it again.

    Third...are you saying that someone who uses a term that only you consider offensive, as far as I can see, is not allowed to complain about behavior that you yourself admit is offensive? So its OK to be offensive as long as racism isn't involved? OK, whatever. Who's the hypocrite?

    Lastly, each time you say that kids don't belong at sporting events you sound more and more ridiculous. Sporting events are family events. Period. And please don't forget to give me a detailed explanation about "the word" and how it's a racist slur. If you feel like it of course.

  14. Long paragraphs are boring and redundant. I've said all I have to say about this and I'm not gonna let it drag out the day you're trying to make it so...Enjoy the game.
