Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cannon and Yallop

I forgot my digital recorder last week for the Chivas-Galaxy match, but I had it with me today.

Here's Frank Yallop talking about the SuperLiga final. He didn't really have much to say, as usual, so I only recorded about five minutes' worth. Plus, I called in to the "Around the League in 90 Minutes" show to give them an update on Goldenballs. I was on the show earlier talking about Chivas and told them I'd call 'em back with an update.

While there were a ton of reporters there for Frank, there were only a couple of us there to talk to Joe Cannon so I actually got a chance to ask him some questions, about four I think. I start it off, then Grahame Jones of the LA Times, Damian Calhoun of the OC Register and then I finish the portion I recorded. I think he kept talking to Damian as well as Jeff Carlisle of ESPN but I split.

Joe, as usual, had some thing interesting things to say.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard rumors that Frank Yallop is going to be fired rather quickly, is this true?

    If this is indeed true, Alexi Lalas should be sent packing as well. Lalas such a hypocrite and uses others as scapegoats...like coaches...for his poor decision making.
