Sunday, July 22, 2007

Under pressure

Yeah, yeah, everyone goes on about the Galaxy facing media pressure, but what about me? My editor, Jen Chang, really wanted me to file my Beckham story ASAP after the match. Speed was of the essence, and honestly, I'm a writer who works rather slowly. I think about stuff, so I'm usually the last one in the press box after games.

I also, as Jen points out, tend to like to write a lot. "Keep it short," he said, "and get it to me quickly."

So I took my laptop into the press conference and typed as quickly as I could while David Beckham spoke.

In order to still record the conference, I had to hold my recorder between my shoulder and my ear, like some people do a phone. Scott French walked by and laughed at my contortions and desperate typing.

I got the story out, though.

I also got a link on the front page of Yay!


  1. You work FOR Jen Chang? it should be the other way around. I've forgotten more soccer than that guy knows.

  2. I don't want to move to Bristol, but I'd love to work in the new ESPN West Coast division that is being planned.

    Jen and I disagree about soccer all the time, but he's the one that gave me my opportunity, so I'll always be grateful for that.

  3. Congrats on the front page linkage. (I clicked on it last night, yay!)

    And Mourinho? He bugs, I can't not roll my eyes when I see him or read his quotes.
