Saturday, July 14, 2007

Romeo's mum

Another picture of the queen of the Beckham household.


  1. You've noticed too that Romeo is the cute one?

  2. Uh, no actually, hadn't made that conclusion at all...

  3. "the cute one?" a.c. don't turn into another perez hilton bashing celebrity children on their looks.. btw romeo has epilepsy which can sometimes be triggered by too many flashbulbs going off in his face...let your media friends know.

  4. I don't think I'm a gossipmonger for having a favorite Beckham boy. I didn't bash the other ones at all. It's like thinking the middle Brady boy was the cutest. Everyone is going to have preferences. And no, I'm not going to be stalking kids around, either, and I have no paparazzi friends to warn off.

    Even for this blog, I'm never going to take pictures of little kids unless their parents say its ok. For example, Alexi Lalas' little girl is adorable, but I don't take pictures of her because I asked and he said he'd rather I didn't.
