Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Red carpet arrival

Becks bumps the Wimbledon champs off the SI cover in a piece written by Grant Wahl (who gave our blog such a nice reference in his recent Mailbag - thanks Grant!).

Grant wrote an excellent article, and the reference to In-N-Out was priceless. I've high hopes for this David fellow. He might fit into California just fine.


  1. So that uniform kit Becks is sporting is the new branded Galaxy look?

  2. Yep, that's the road uni. I like it - simple classic, but I'm not a uniform fiend. It's more about what happens on the field than anything else that matters.

  3. No, its not. That's the home uni. Thats why they've been wearing white at home all year.

  4. When does this go on sale?

  5. The magazine issue hits stands today, I believe. The new Galaxy jersey is available starting Friday.
