Friday, July 27, 2007

Really, really big flag

Anyone remember the really big banner Chivas USA fans displayed during the last Chivas USA-Galaxy match? It took up the entire general admission seating back on May 20.

Well, Chivas fans have added to it. Jaime Cardenas of the LA Times told me today that the new flag is something like 80 feet by 150 feet and will take 40 people to bring it into the Coliseum. It's going to roll down from the top of the stadium as opposed to starting from the first row.

I'll be sure and take pictures of it, but it will probably make it to the television broadcast. Also, check out the LA Times tomorrow and Jaime's story on that part of the game.


  1. It's going to be a long wait until we see it at the next home game!!!

  2. Nice. Pls take awesome pics!
