Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It's official: San Jose's back

The league just sent out a release about the return of the San Jose Earthquakes.

No word on where the 'Quakes will play their first two years but their permanent stadium will indeed be nearby the airport.

I hope San Jose fans don't feel burned by the league for failing to keep the team around after the '05 season and that the fans welcome back this new version of the 'Quakes.

For me, this is a pretty good score. I can't make too many road trips to other places: Salt Lake is the closest MLS city here and that's about a 10 hour drive. San Jose's about half that, so that's cool. Chivas at San Jose; Galaxy at San Jose; I like it!


  1. So does that mean the end for the Cali Victory? Don't they play in the Bay as well? Can the Bay handle 2 teams at once? It would be 1 sick crosstown derby as far as the Open Cup is concerned. 1 competitive game for the whole season winner takes all... well move on to the next round anyway.

  2. The Victory play one hour north of San Jose in San Francisco.

    It remains to be seen how this will effect the other teams (San Jose Frogs, the SF Seals, as well as the Victory).

  3. The LA Galaxy killed them off once. We can do it again.

  4. Looks like Yallop has a job to fall back on if he get's canned in LA

  5. I dont understand the rationale of going back to a geographic area that already demonstrated it cannot financially support an MLS team - particularly when there are other franchises out there still struggling to gave fans come and visit them (Hello Salt Lake!).

    It would make more sense to move an existing franchise than to grant them a new one.

    Just my opinion.. hope no one takes offense to it.

  6. Anon,

    I cannot claim to be an expert on the financial situation of the Quakes before the league moved them to Houston - I only attended a few matches each year. But from what I have seen in the last few years, there is a lot of support for the team in the Bay Area. My guess is that whatever problems the team had, they were caused more by a dreadful stadium (and it is) and mistakes by the owners, than by lack of fan support.

    I also do not think that the return of the Quakes spells the end for California Victory. The Victory plays in the City. Plus, fans that truly support team 1 do not abandon it merely because team 2 springs in the same area.

    As for the casual fan, my guess is that there are enough of those to attend matches of both teams. For example, I am not a die-hard supporter of either team, but I will surely attend a few matches of each team over the course of a season. I suspect many people who watch and play the game will fall into this category.

    I am certainly glad the Quakes are back.

  7. the leaving was a much more political decision that it was a financial one.

    i've always had the feeling that the shipment of donovan off to germany for a half season on the bench was the first attempt at 'financial' woes, but it didn't work. the fans didn't care and the quakes remained the best team in the league.

    as far as the other local teams go... i'm sure the vics will stay in SF. i'm also pretty sure the fate of the san jose frogs is quite sealed...

  8. the leaving was a much more political decision that it was a financial one.

    i've always had the feeling that the shipment of donovan off to germany for a half season on the bench was the first attempt at 'financial' woes, but it didn't work. the fans didn't care and the quakes remained the best team in the league.

    as far as the other local teams go... i'm sure the vics will stay in SF. i'm also pretty sure the fate of the san jose frogs is quite sealed...
