Sunday, July 22, 2007

Big Debut

Blanco steps out against Celtic today.

The question is, will the Mexican fans out to support him be as wild in their welcome as LA fans were for Beckham?

I think so. If anything, I think many onlookers will be surprised at the ways in which Cuauh love surpasses that of Becks.


  1. If the support for Blanco is anything like the support El Tris enjoyed in Chicago against the U.S. team, then all will be well. I watched my Dynamo dismantle the Fire, and they NEED a player of Blanco's quality. I just do not think he will be enough, but hopefully they will find him some help, and soon.

  2. If I am not mistakened, Blanco's presentation, given with only a 12hr notice, drew about the same amount of fans to the Fire House as the highly anticipated Beck's presentation.

  3. I haven't seen Blanco play before, he is actually looking well out there. If this keeps up, I am going to pencil in the Chicago Fire game when they come to play the Quakes next year.

    I'm a bit surprised that MLS did not really market his signing and first game all that much. But, it is also a relief in a way because the ESPN's coverage of David Beckham's first game was an overkill.

  4. I have to point out that for Beckham's debut, the general public wasn't invited. The fans present were season ticket holders. I guess the Galaxy people wanted to be able to plan how many would be there, as opposed to having no idea until the event.

  5. But the Cuauh hate may also rival that of Becks.

    I don't hate El Temo, I'm mostly indifferent to him ... except when he steps into my line of vision, then I hiss and spit in his general direction.

    Ah, if only he took Monumental with him.

  6. After years of despising him (playing for ca), I, a Chivas fan and Fire fan, will be glad to root for him.
