Friday, July 20, 2007

All day for nothing

I was prepared to be gone all day. I went out to Galaxy training very early and gave myself ample enough time to stay out in Carson as long as I needed to in order to get all the David Beckham info as possible.

Only problem is, Beckham didn't train today. I had to figure out how to write a 650-word story about Beckham without actually talking to him. It was tricky, but I did it.

I've been away from an internet connection for most of the day, well, one that lets me get on here and blog. I have internet through my phone but I haven't figured out the mobile blogging thing yet.

I've got some pictures to share, though. I'll put them up later.


  1. LB, get the verizon mobile card that connects to your laptop. I use it when I'm away from home and I need to google pictures of Victoria Bekmon. Brilliant I say.

  2. Hmm.. is that like a pay-by-use type of thing? Or is it a flat fee? I do want to get something like that so I too can look at nak... um, soccer sites ;)

  3. Both. I had a flat fee of $80 for unlimited monthly bandwidth. It worked everywhere. Go into the Verizon store and tell them you need something that will allow you to google soccer blogs.
