Friday, June 15, 2007

Thursday's Contacto

There were several interesting notes and quotes on Thursday night's Contacto Deportivo that I wanted to share with readers:

* Mexico World Cup veteran Zinha was supposedly all set to go to the Chicago Fire, according to CD who said that there was a gentleman's agreement between himself and Toluca that would have allowed him to go to MLS. Instead, the club is looking to send him to Saudi Arabia.

Here's what Zinha told CD:

" There was a strong, firm offer which was the best option for the club and for the player but they decided against it."

* Mexico coach Hugo Sanchez is still at it. He reminded reporters that he had initially said Mexico would be improving as a team as the tournament went on. He said he wanted Mexico to be at 95 percent by the semifinals and 100 percent by the final.

* Costa Rica veteran Rolando Fonseca said their opponent on Sunday isn't the best CONCACAF has to offer.

"The landscape is changing. The top team in CONCACAF isn't Mexico anymore. For me, the giant is the United States."


  1. "The landscape is changing. The top team in CONCACAF isn't Mexico anymore. For me, the giant is the United States."

    For a second I thought Kikin Fonseca said that and not the Costa Rican Fonseca. I almost had a coronary. I guess the denial in Mexico continues...

  2. I appreciate this post, but I think you missed the most important part. Chivas girls calendar! <3 My brother freaked out last night because he knows 'Lauren' through his college buddy at Pitzer!Meh, she ain't as hot as he said she was.

    O yeah, I did catch a story and interview on chan 34 regarding on one of the Cuban players , I think it was More. Maybe you can ask him if he would play for Chivas USA! =]

  3. I was reading some of Hugo's comments on Medio Tiempo, and it's probably the closest I've read to Hugo admitting that Mexico isn't playing well. The sooner they leave self-denial behind the better off they'll be in the long run.

  4. Fonseca's comment will certainly find its way to Sanchez locker room wall on Sunday...

  5. What is the with the obsession of both the US and Mexico and their fans to be labled the "Giants of Concacaf".

    This is like saying we're the King of USL-A-league. Nice but who cares. Until both squads win some international trophies it does not matter.

    As for Hugo and El Tri, they are in trouble with that particular back line they brought to this tourney. This Johnny Magallon character is awful in the air and he is late and getting beat left and right. Magallon is a wreck, how he ended up starting again is beyond me. Oh wait, he's all they brought. Hugo brought only 2 center backs. Outside of "El Maza" the tallest dude is 5'10.

    His central back partner "El Maza" is having to cover for his mistakes only he himself is slow read plays. Salcido and Osorio are not in synch. The whole back line is a disaster.
