Thursday, June 21, 2007

Scenes from a presser

Carlos Pavon: “I’m grateful for the welcome my teammates have given me, the administration, and the staff. Personally, all that’s left is for me to do my job and score goals. Today I trained and did well. I’m anxious to play.”

A reporter: “You scored six goals in training.”

Carlos smiles and shrugs.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling this Galaxy team with all the new players puts them as best in the west heading into the playoff run.

    The west is a weak conference as is...and the Galaxy have played far less games then conference leading dallas. If you hypothetically say the Galaxy win all their games in hand they would be atop the conference right now.

    The scary thing is that all of their big guns are in form.

    Donovan and Becks are playing at such a high level as did Pavon in the gold cup and Xavier looks to be heating up.

    This is going to be an exciting run at the west for the Gals.
