Friday, June 8, 2007

A real Mexican tour

When colleague Grant Wahl told me in Arizona way back in February that he was planning to take a trip to Mexico for a story, I smiled and said 'That's cool." What I wanted to say was 'Can you take me with you?' but I thought that was a bit too forward so I bit my lip.

He told me he was planning on going to a game in Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City across a couple of weeks. That's the benefit of working for Sports Illustrated full-time. Myself, as a freelancer I get to write about Monterrey, Guadalajara and Mexico City.

So I've been kinda keeping an eye out for a Grant Wahl excursion story, and it finally came out.

It's really long - which is good - but I'm short on time... okay, short on energy. I've gotta take advantage of my daughters' naps and nap... er, work. I'll be back to this story later in the day.

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