Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pele at Gold Cup

The commemorative Gold Cup issue of Futbol Mundial has a reading campaign featuring Pele. I got a kick out of the fact that it pictured him reading the U.S./Mexico match edition. I wrote an article on the match for that issue and it completely geeked me out to think that Pele might have read my article.

However, I generally assume that no soccer players (except for Alexi Lalas, who is retired and has time) read my articles. It makes it easier to write that way.
Lalas is actually the only person that reads what I write and then mentions it to me. He'll say something along the lines of: "I read what you wrote about the Open Cup, and yet I do believe we're one of the teams that takes the competition seriously."

1 comment:

  1. "Pele is king of the soccer field. To be king of your kitchen, use Crestfield wax paper."
