Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pavon joins Galaxy

A quick clip of Carlos Pavon at the press event announcing his signing by the Los Angeles Galaxy.

I should have kept recording as David translated, but let me provide a text translation.

"Thank God, I'm able to be here now, and I'm able to play and help the team. That's what is most important right now."



    Ives is reporting Sturgis/Findley for Klein. What do you know about this? Seems like the FO is looking to produce results but not looking too much into the future if they're willing to trade these 2 for Klein.

  2. Ives and Goff have some sort of pipeline to MLS moves - I'm guessing through someone at MLS headquarters on the East Coast. That's because trades have to be approved by the league before final processing. Out here, the Galaxy themselves are pretty circumspect, so I have no inside info to corroborate this trade.
    However, an educated analysis says a forward was likely to be moved, and Findley is an attractive prospect who showed great potential with the Galaxy, plus his salary is low.
    Sturgis has a much higher salary, and while moving such a versatile player seems strange, I think the Galaxy are pretty positive an overseas offer will come in for Sturgis after the U20 World Cup. Trading for him now would prevent dealing with the hole his absence would provide later.

  3. If this trade goes through, I hope the FO has something in the deal where they get a certain percent of the transfer fee when/if Sturgis is sold, similar to Adu's trade to RSL. Sturgis is still a GA player this year, is he not?
