Friday, June 22, 2007

On to the final

My reaction piece on the Mexico win... I've already had a few responses this morning.

Overall, I feel Mexico has been slowly improving. They do have three straight shutouts now as all the wins have been by 1-0.

I think they still have issues. Their offense is not quite generating an abundance of scoring chances and I don't think the four-man backline lends itself to that, at least not with them. When you have four defenders (Salcido-Magallon-Maza-Osorio) plus Pavel Pardo and Gerardo Torrado in the midfield, those are six defensive-minded players. And then where is your offense supposed to come from?

I realize Pardo scored the goal yesterday but aside from a few through balls - and of course his goal - he didn't really create a lot for his teammates.

Torrado is out for Sunday so that midfield pairing won't be repeated in the final. I think you slide Cuauhtemoc Blanco back and start Nery Castillo up top with Jared Borgetti. That's probably their best option but who knows. We could see Jaime Lozano in there.

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