Monday, June 18, 2007

Nags' real nickname

I had a chance to talk to Paulo Nagamura recently for Chivas' Free Kick magazine.

One of the things that didn't make the final cut:

Q: When people think of Brazil and soccer, they think of players who have one name: Pele, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho. Did you ever have one name?

A: I always had it. My name was Paulinho in Brazil. Everyone knows me by Paulinho. When I came here, they wanted to use my last name. I don’t mind, you know. Nagamura is my Japanese ancestors. Everyone knows me by Paulinho back in Brazil and in England too.


  1. I wonder how he feels about Christian Mile's "NAGA NAGA NAGA NAGA NAGAMURRAAA". =]

  2. I think most people knew this least anyone who follows English football - or ever played Football Manager!
